Some pieces may not be open-access due to bullshit academic publishing industry. Ask for the texts and you shall have them.
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knowledge production (is what i do)
2023 (co-first) Arora, Cheshta & Debarun Sarkar. “No Publication, No Degree: Of Knowledge-production as Doctoral Candidates in Anthropology/Sociology in India”, Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology/Revue Suisse d’Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle, special issue on Anthropological Knowledge Production and Power Relations, 28, 84-104. ISSN 2673-5377.
2022 Sarkar, Debarun. “Toward a Feminism Without Scaffoldings: Mapping a research project, a narrative from the field, and a draft bill”, Journal of International Women’s Studies, 23(2), 103-118. special issue on The Production and Circulation of Gender Knowledge: Feminist Views from the Global South. ISSN 1539-8706.
2024 Sarkar, Debarun. “Of Treasures and Earthquakes: The Material Ghosts of New Town, West Bengal”, Revenant special issue on Supernatural Cities: Placing Urban Identities, Memory, and Cultural Crises (11). pp. 78-99. ISSN 2397-8791.
2024 Sarkar, Debarun. “Contested Signifiers: From a ‘smart city’ to a ‘green city’ in New Town, West Bengal, India” in Future is Urban II: Urban Planning, Capacity Building, Nature Based Solution edited by Utpal Sharma, Swati Kothari and Vibha Gajjar. pp. 428-435 Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 9781003487890.
2023 Sarkar, Debarun. “Of Calcutta, Death and the South: Juxtaposing Three Calcuttas/Kolkatas” in Anthropology and Responsibility edited by Melissa Demian, Christos Lynteris and Mattia Fumanti. Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 9781032283807.
2022 Sarkar, Debarun. “‘A city to look at’ and ‘presenting the world to the city’: ‘Worlding’ New Town, West Bengal”, Urbanities: Journal of Urban Ethnography. special section on Power Games and Symbolic Icons in Evolving Urban Landscapes. ISSN 2239-5725.
2021 Sarkar, Debarun. “Of Scale and Social: Between mofussil and New Town”, Passerelles SHS (1), special issue on Analyse de réseaux en SHS / Network analysis in social sciences. ISSN: 2803-7421.
2024 (co-first) Sarkar, Debarun and Cheshta Arora. “Web3 and the State: Indian state’s redescription of blockchain”, First Monday, special issue on Governance by Infrastructure, 29(10). ISSN 1396-0466.
2023 Arora, Cheshta & Debarun Sarkar. “Tech Hype as a Mnemonic Device: Misremembering the land problem in India”, TATuP: Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice / Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, special issue on Technology hype: Dealing with bold expectations and overpromising. 32(3). pp. 28-33. ISSN 2568-020X eISSN 2567-8833.
2024 (co-first) Arora, Chesta and Debarun Sarkar “Destabilizing Auditing: Auditing artificial intelligence as care-ful socio-analogue/digital relation” in Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2023 edited by Günter Getzinger, Michaela Jahrbacher and Franziska Häller. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz. ISBN: 9783851259766.
2023 (co-first) Arora, Chesta and Debarun Sarkar. “Interfacing Artificial Intelligence for Social Good (AI4SG) and Relational AI Ethics: A Systematic Literature Review” in Proceedings of Tethics2023: 6th Conference on Technology Ethics, CEUR-WS. 3582.
2023 (co-first) Arora, Cheshta & Debarun Sarkar. “Auditing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a New Layer of Mediation: Introduction of a new black box to address another black box”,, special issue on The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Communication, 26, 65-68. ISSN 1695-5498.
2023 (position paper) Sarkar, Debarun, Cheshta Arora and Tuhin Bhuyan. “Audit4SG: Democratizing Auditing Artificial Intelligence and Ontology Development Methodologies” in IFIP WG 13.8 workshop on HCI for Digital Democracy and Citizen Participation. 4 pages.
2023 (position paper) (co-first) Arora, Chesta and Debarun Sarkar. “On the Injunction of XAIxArt: Moving beyond explanation to sense-making” in 1st International Workshop on Explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts), ACM Creativity and Cognition (C&C) 2023. Online, 3 pages.
culture est cool non?
2025 Sarkar, Debarun. Sarkar, Debarun. “‘A Distant Echo Attracts Me, Fragrance of Life beyond’: Growing up a Metalhead in India.” South Asian History and Culture 0 (0): 1–14.
2023 Sarkar, Debarun. “Becoming Topological of Heavy Metal: Notes from India”, Metal Music Studies, section on Is Metal a Subculture? 9(3). pp. 343-349. ISSN 2052-4005.
2023 (four entries) Sarkar, Debarun. “Arvind K Mehrotra”, “Nissim Ezekiel”, “Collected Poems, 1952-1988, Nissim Ezekiel”, and “Collected Poems, 1969-2014, Arvind Krishna Mehrotra” in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English edited by Manju Jaidka and Tej N. Dhar. Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 9781032245577.
2023 Sarkar, Debarun. ““Azadi’s political until you’re pressing play”: Capitalist realism, hip-hop and platform affordances”, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, special issue on Digital Expressions of the Self. ISSN 1748-7382.
et tu? edu?
2024 Sarkar, Debarun & Anitha Kurup. “Scale of Outcome-based Education: Beyond the Knowledge-Skill Dichotomy”, Higher Education for the Future. ISSN 2348-5779.
2023 Sarkar, Debarun & Anitha Kurup. “Outcome-based Education as a Janus-faced Travelling-theory: Appeal for a broader research agenda”, Higher Education for the Future, 10(2). pp. 139-152. ISSN 2348-5779.
2022 (short paper) Sarkar, Debarun and Anitha Kurup “Repurposing Existing Data Towards Institutional Learning Analytics: A Review of Outcome-mapping Data of HEIs in India” in Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computers in Education edited by Sridhar Iyer, Ju-Ling Shih, Weiqin Chen and Mas Nida Md Khambari. Taoyuan City: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. ISBN: 978-626-968-900-2.
(wo)man is? (not)
2023 (co-first) Arora, Cheshta & Debarun Sarkar. 2023. “Autonomous Organizations and the State: Thinking through Foreclosures in the Indian Women’s Movement”, Coils of the Serpent, 11. pp. 86-100. urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-858804
2022 (co-first) Arora, Cheshta & Debarun Sarkar. “Sexual Harassment and its Vicissitudes: Jadavpur University 2014-17”, Feminist Media Studies. ISSN 1471-5902.
2023 Kurup, Anitha, Brigid Freeman, Cheshta Arora and Debarun Sarkar “Learning for/towards sustainable development: Rethinking education and learning as a key vertical across all SDGs” in TF-6: Accelerating SDGs: Exploring New Pathways to the 2030 Agenda for Think20 India, the official engagement group of the G20.